Monday, April 30, 2012

Japan's Children's Day 5th May.

Today, Mrs Hutton visited and showed us how to make some origami art.  We decorated carp flags and made samurai hats.  Mrs Hutton also made some yummy sushi for us to enjoy.  The reason she came to visit is because on Saturday 5th May, Japan celebrates Children's Day  or Kodomo-no-hi.  This day use to be called Boy's Festival and was for celebrating boy's growing up, but now it has become a day to celebrate all children.
On this day, families with boys display dolls for the Boy's Festival dressed as warriors and heroes, and fly carp streamers.  We learned that carp are strong enough to swim up waterfalls and are symbols of success in life.
We had fun learning about Japan's Children's Day. 

Doumo arigatou gozaimasu Mrs Hutton.

ANZAC DAY - 25th APRIL 2012

Today we talked about ANZAC day and why we will not be coming to school on Wednesday. We made ANZAC biscuits because these were the biscuits mothers of the soldiers from New Zealand and Australia baked for their sons who were fighting during World War 1. They were packed in tins and sent by boat to where the soldiers were fighting. These biscuits were popular because they stayed fresher longer because of the coconut. Today we remembered the soldiers who fought for our country. The ANZAC biscuits we made were delicious.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Happy Easter and Holidays

We have really enjoyed our first term in room 10 at Botany Downs primary.
We have been very busy and had lots of fun swimming, as well as getting absolutely soaked during our Aqua Fun day.
We loved the Bake Sale and mufti day, working with our neighbours - room 9, and our buddy class - room 17.
We have learnt new sounds,letters and words and are starting to read and write stories on our own.
Our Happy Hours were fun, and we loved our House Fun Day.
We have made many new frieds.
Best of all, the Easter Bunny paid us a visit on the last day of term. While we were out looking for him the Easter Bunny came into our room and left us a little treat. Thank you Easter Bunny!
Happy Easter and have a safe and happy holiday everyone!
We can't wait to come back next term and learn some more.

Our Special Terrific People for this term.

These are our amazing Special Terrific People for term 1. They have all tried their BEST in either reading, writing,or maths with a positive work attitude.
Our Special Term Certificate for Achievement in all areas is our very own VC. Well done V. You have worked hard all term and tried your BEST in all areas! We are proud of you.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Thanks Mrs Agius

Mrs Agius is a teacher aide and was with us during term 1. She helped us when we needed an extra hand. Next term she will go to another class and help them. Thanks for your help Mrs Agius.

Using Laptops in class for the first time.

We had a lot of fun when we got to use the laptops. We learned how to log on and find great maths and reading games. We can't wait to use them again soon. Thanks AH and IY, our Techno Rangers, for helping us.

Hanging out with our Buddy Class

Once a fortnight on a Tuesday afternoon, our buddy class - room 17 and us get together and share a book or just chat and catch up. We look forward to spending more time with our friends from room 17.

What we think of being in Year 1, term 1 2012 at Botany Downs Primary so far...

Wordle: What we think of Term 1 2012

House Day Term 1 2012

We recently had our first House Fun Day, where we all met in our House - Batten, Blake, Hillary and Sheppard.
We met some more friends and made either friendship bracelets, crazy hats, paper planes or banners. We had such an awesome funfantastic day, that we can't wait until our next House Fun Day.