I love you Mum because…
I love you because you’re kind and you look after me when I am sick, and when I’m starving you give me food. JC
You give me lots of cuddles and kisses. LD
You help me and do my washing. MBH
I love you because you’re nice to me. MD
You love me. JW
You help me clean up the toys. ND
You always clean my shirts. HG
You put me into bed with a kiss and a hug. KS
You let me hoover the stairs. JS
You play with my toys with me and you read me a story. AM
You give me more toys. RA
You give me food after school. SC
You give me fruit to eat. BL
You warm me up. CM
You read me a story and you keep me warm. LG
You let me help you bake and then you let me eat it. VC
I love you Mum. JL
You bake for me. TH
You bake stuff for me. BH
Happy Mother's Day Mum,
We love you!
Thank you for having Mother's day breakfast. I had great time!
Very beautiful flowers,lucky mums!
Tomoki's mum
wow that is so cool even i cant do that you guys are so good at art
By AM room22
Thank you for a great mother's day breakfast , it was really lovely :) love the flower you made caitlyn , besides it is nice to see what the class does . Great photo's ms Lala :)
I felt like a very special Mum! Thanks Room 10 - Thanks Ms Lala - Thanks Botany Downs Primary! Love, Leslie Bender Clark
Great photos room 10! We had a wonderful time at the mothers day breakfast. Thank you for all the hard work Ms Lala - you have a lovely class. Thanks, Kat Dowdall.
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